Our dentists may recommend a dental sealant to help protect your teeth from cavities. Sealants are a type of preventive treatment that are designed to block out harmful bacteria, food debris and other decay-causing factors. Dental sealants area made of clear or tooth-colored resin material. This resin is painted onto the teeth, where it forms a smooth coating over the tooth surface. This smooth shield prevents bacteria and food debris from congregating in the natural pits and grooves of the tooth surface where they can work to create cavities and damage your teeth and oral health. This resin coating also makes it easier to keep your teeth clean with normal brushing and flossing.
Dental sealants are most commonly provided for children as soon as their permanent molars begin to erupt (between the ages of 6 and 12). Sealants provide long-term protection, working to effectively protect teeth for several years before they wear off. Dr. Mirci and Dr. Reynolds may also recommend sealants for adults if their teeth are prone to decay. Sealants can be applied in just a few minutes as part of your regular dental visits.
For more information about dental sealants in Salt Lake City, Utah, and to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dentists, call Mirci Dental today at 801-486-1155.